Monday 26 April 2010


Well I'm sitting here, this is FAR too much daytime TV. If Jeremy Kyle says '... or have I missed the point?' one more time I may just blow my top! All the housework is done, I cut my own hair today... oh God, poverty stinks, but it turned out okay. It's in such better condition, can actually run my hands through it without it all coming out in my fingers!! lol It's grey out and the kids have just come out of school, so not going out with the camera, I plan to early tomorrow morning.

I've been looking into other ways to take my bloods to check my Phe levels... it's hitting a dead end at the moment. I really think I'm going to have to go back on diet. I'm 36 in two months, and I think at this time of not working and finally trying to get my health sorted, I need to look seriously into re-training to become a counsellor. I've thought about it for so long and I do tend to have a way of calming people and people do listen to me! There's a great course which covers all aspects of Psychotherapy so you can decide whilst learning what area you want to specialise in. It's expensive so i'd have to have a job too, but can pay in installments. I need to get my health sorted though, see what my levels are coz if they remain high, I won't be able to take in and remember anything I learn. And what kind of job will get me through the training financially?? It's a lot to think about!

Anyhoo, off to watch Triangle on DVD for the second time! Great film, a real mind-bender! Ciao for now!